
Recycling of plastics is crucial in the fight against climate change. Plastics are made from petroleum, a finite and non-renewable resource, and their production and disposal have significant environmental impacts.

The production of plastic releases greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, contributing to global warming and climate change.

Recycling of plastics helps to conserve natural resources and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. When plastic is recycled, it is melted down and used to create new products, reducing the need for virgin petroleum and decreasing the carbon footprint of the plastic. Additionally, recycling plastic requires less energy compared to the production of new plastic, further decreasing its impact on the environment.


Orbex’s marketplace will help improve the functioning of markets for recycled plastics by increasing market volumes and liquidity, reducing price volatility, and improving market outcomes. By facilitating trade between buyers and sellers of recycled plastics, Orbex increases the supply of recovered plastics and the quality of the resulting feedstock.


Orbex’s marketplace will help improve the functioning of markets for recycled plastics by increasing market volumes and liquidity, reducing price volatility, and improving market outcomes. By facilitating trade between buyers and sellers of recycled plastics, Orbex increases the supply of recovered plastics and the quality of the resulting feedstock.


Our state-of-the-art marketplace contributes to higher plastics collection and recycling rates, which will help reduce the diffusion of plastics pollution in the environment while continuing to allow the beneficial aspects of plastics use. Additionally, transitioning to a more circular economy, characterized by longer-lived plastics products with less toxic content, and higher plastics collection and recycling rates will reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with plastics production, use, and disposal.

Overall, using a marketplace for recycled plastics can help support the transition to a more sustainable and circular economy for plastics.

Contact us to learn more about Orbex Plastics Marketplace